Tuesday 15 November 2011

 Tate Liverpool

Alice in Wonderland ...... I have been looking forward to seeing this exhibtion for a while, and thought I would visit it this week to gain that last bit of inspiration!! Unforunatly photographs were forbidden.. I managed to sneak a few!  I particulary liked the set of 12 illustrations Dali created for Alice's adventures,  his use of colour related to my work well and encouraged some ideas I have for large scale prints to compliment my work. His famous 'melting clock' appears in several images expressing the relativity of time, Alice is also seen 'skipping away' from what he described as the 'crutches of time' ; two ideas that relate significantly to last weeks CP lecture!

                                                                      A mad tea party.

                                                                  Down the rabbit hole.

                                                                                      Nyima 438

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