Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Contextualising Practice

Week beginning mon 7th Nov, we discussed the 'uses of time' in relation to design.   Below are examples of concepts and artists' work  that I found interesting and continued to consider after the lecture .....

 Caroline Broadhead - Uses light and shadow to measure time. Her work was based on the concept of 'another time', she was aware of the intusive presence of a ghost , and created a dress attached to the circumference of a room, therefore immediatly imposing presense, on a presense that already exists.

                                      ( I really like this idea as it deals with a concept of time that not everybody has faith in,
                                       the idea that the ghost may disturb the fabric, is a complex yet exciting concept to

Gijs Bakker - Created 'Peepshow Wallpaper' , wallapaper with cut out circles that can be put directly on top of existing wall decoration. The wallpaper creates windows to look back on past memories: a way of 'relaying the past'.



I also found challanging the idea relayed by Jckson Pollock, he referes to dreaming as 'non time', exploring the idea that in a piece of time you can create the concept of past and present, suggeting that sometimg that happeneed in the past, but can be seen creativly in the present. I found this a complicated idea to comprehend , however find it quite inspiring.

Germaine Koh Knitwork is a life-long piece made by the unravelling of used garments and reknitting the yarn into a single continuously growing object. As it records the ongoing passage of time and effort, the work becomes a monument to the very artifacts that comprise it. This is again a unlikely concept, where is she going to store such a large scale piece? What will happen to it when she dies? ......


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