Monday 31 October 2011

Beginning to think about influences related to recent drawing tasks, and how to develop different
mark making techniques, considering the ideas of shadow, negative space and line.
Recently visited the Whitworth Gallery, and explored the 'Dark Matters' exhibition. Several 
pieces engage with darkness and shadow through a range of technologies.  I was especially 
drawn to how the artists involved explore different themes within each piece, and found  korean artist Ja - Young
Ku's use of projection to create such ideas, fascinating.

I also liked this 'acid print', 'Nude' , it again plays with the idea of creating shadows,
and appears to have been created from a 'blast of energy'.  The print itself reminds me of some of
my previous acrylic prints I created previously of transvestites . . . . . . 

Some examples of the use of 'negative space' I came across whilst general researching;
I find this concept difficult to put into practice, and hope  to develop this technique . . .

(Michael Atkinson; Letters from grandma)

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