Tuesday 15 May 2012

Projection Stills

The following images illustrate the final stages of development.  As a group we spent monday completing our final film, and are currently in the process of editing.  In reflection the stills portray our 'patchwork culture' effectively; the designs evident in each projection depict colour, pattern and texture we initially discovered from our searches.  The amalgamation of designs are fluent, complimentary and convincing and we believe such stills will compliment our digital outcome well in the form of large scale prints.  To date, taking part in the group task has allowed me to develop knowledge in relation to digital design; I am now more aware of this pratice as a concept, and will transfer such skills for future tasks.  Such knowledge has influenced my own working method from inital research through to outcome and has significantly effected my development.



( The collection above focuses on the significance of individual drawing, each still highlights the layering and integration of a range of themes, fullfilling our inital aims; creating designs that interpret a 'clashing of cultures'.)

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