Thursday, 15 March 2012

Alan Holmes

Alan Holmes gave an interesting insight into 'what it means to be a designer'. He explained the process of 'observation - transaction - production' in terms of the design process, to communicate our story, however highlighted that in reality it is always a backward and forward process, and that turning issues into 'stuff' is vital.
He expressed that when designing for the future it can be useful to base ideas around 'fiction', as we are to a degree, unaware of what will happen ahead of time, and speculation can therefore be key. He presented the work of a selection of textile designers who challenge the preconceptions of what a designer is, create work that will have positive impacts for the world we live in, and garments that can inform us what's happening to our planet. He left me considering the following questions ;

What additional things can textiles do?

New technologies? Can we design for them?

Why do we have clothes?

Can we design for well being?

What is the job of a designer?

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